While in El Salvador, I looked forward to the 4:00 hour each afternoon. At that time, the Salvadorian students would be done with homework time and would appear on the grounds of the children's home, ripe and ready for fun. Playing and interacting with them was as enchanting as it is with any energetic kid. Yet, there was something uniquely rich about being with these Spanish-speaking sweethearts: they were unashamedly loving.
I was perhaps most touched (no pun intended...seriously) by their constant hugs. Without hesitation, arms would extend and wrap around me and in an instant, my heart would be warmed. I hugged them back, but somehow I feel they gave more than I could repay. Not as though love is quantifiable. It's not. But if it were, and if I were a betting woman, I would bet a Starbucks or ten that I lost in the effort of love-giving while in El Salvador. The sweet smiles and love and the pure interest they had in interacting with me enriched my life.
Love can be shown in so many ways, but I sometimes wish folks in the States were more affectionate with each other. There is something about touch that communicates love in a way words cannot. A hug, a pat on the back, a reassuring grip on the arm...these are all gestures that speak richer meaning than a well-spoken word.
I wonder if those children in El Salvador know how much it means for we Americans to receive love from them. To me, it meant more than I can say.
Yes, I still miss them!!
Captures my feelings--not only the hugs but also the smiles before the hugs--stoked my heart.
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