I don't like semi-colons. I never have. They are a confusing punctuation mark for me. Though I know I learned about how to appropriately use them over and over growing up, I still feel like the semi-colon and I just don't click very well. Plus, I think it's an unbecoming and cluttery-looking thing. I'm just not a fan.
I do, however, really like parentheses. Parentheses allow for both random and informal side notes. They grace writing with flexibility and flamboyance. Where would the world be without them? I think the semi-colon could be archived in a heartbeat. The parentheses, on the other hand, would be sorely missed if they were to disappear.
On the way up to Denver yesterday to meet up with a college pal of ours, my friend Lindsay and I bantered back and forth for a good twenty minutes about punctuation marks. It was a riveting conversation. Seriously! Discussing such an unusual subject proved to be a fascinating stimulant for my brain and, I'm pretty sure, also worked to grease up some rusty synapses.
Speaking of rusty synapses and punctuation marks, school starts tomorrow. Actually, only 6th graders come tomorrow, but it is school nonetheless. I am always thankful for the easier load the first day. It definitely helps me to ease back into the school schedule.
I also love the first day with just 6th graders because it gives me time to pour into the students who are scared beyond belief to be facing a new situation. My heart goes out to them each year. Middle school is terrifying, especially at a place as big as where I teach. Tomorrow, I will have to open numerous lockers, pat many backs, croon soothing words of comfort, and give clear directions multiple times throughout the day. There will be both tears and hyper excitement in the eyes of the sweet little pumpkins.
Though I honestly never thought I would have been teaching for this many years and sometimes wonder why the Lord keeps me at this job, I am ready. I am ready to face the new year. I am ready to pour into students and to learn new and better ways to approach my job. I hope I always remember what both a privilege and responsibility my job is. I hope I treat it with the integrity and seriousness that it deserves.
Here's to a new school year! May God give me the grace and strength to live each day to the fullest!
I love semicolons.
I have made about 20 pages of grammar and punctuation worksheets. I'm sure they'd be a blast for you with your love of punctuation haha.
Yes, what's wrong with semi-colons? The worst part is knowing how to spell them! They have a very specific, though rare, usage; I don't know what the origins are.
Middle schoolers are cute, but bless you for being able to work with them for so long and understand their needs! I don't mind them too much, but would so dearly miss the older kids!
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