Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Seven Dunks

Sunbeams streaming through the blinds of my childhood bedroom awoke me this morning.  Knowing that sleep was done with me for the night, I decided to roll out of bed and head to a local coffee shop called Brothers on Main Street.  With free Wi-Fi (yes, Wyoming does offer current features like that), and big windows through which to gaze, it is a welcoming spot to read, journal, pray, type, and just soak in life. 

I am not alone in the place this morning.  The table next to me is hosting some men who seem to be regulars.  They are leisurely sitting, laughing, and drinking coffee from their own personal coffee carafe.  The sound of their laughter right now is music and speaks of comfortable friendship. 

Sometimes, I crave to read stories from the Old Testament because, like any good story, they convey truths about God in powerful and creative ways.  This morning, I read about Naaman in 2 Kings 5.  I had forgotten the part of the story where Naaman got angry over the plan God put forth to heal him of his leprosy (v. 11 &12).   He was indignant that God was asking him to dip in a river that he deemed unfit for such an experience. 

When I read this, I was at once struck by the humorous aspect of God's plan and also by the childishness of Naaman's response.  Yet, that childishness of Naaman reflects my own rebelliousness toward God at times.  How many times have I asked God for something or even sought to be right with Him, only to cry and throw a fit when His requirements for that to be accomplished don't match my human solutions?  I don't think God tries to make things difficult for us to torture us, but I do believe He sometimes asks for unique acts of obedience just to see if we will obey because it is God's will, not because the path of obedience makes sense to us.

I pray that I will be willing to do whatever the Lord asks of me, even if it seems crazy.  I pray that I will abide in Him so that His plan is abundantly clear.   I pray that hesitation will not exist in me.  I pray that I will be bold and courageous to do what the Lord bids.  Even if it requires seven dunks.  For I know that no matter what He asks, if I obey, His best for me is in store.